Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cave Paintings

Cave paintings or hieroglyphics are a type of map which dates back to more than 16,000 years ago.  Cave paintings were usually just pictures, but some have been interpreted to actually be maps. 

Nominal Area Choropleth Maps

Nominal area choropleth maps display nominal data or information about a specific subject. Nominal area choropleth maps usually have at least two categories.  This is a nominal area choropleth map showing each states political status. 

Standardized Choropleth Maps
Standardized choropleth maps use different colors and shadings to compare areas and the data on the map.  This standardized choropleth map shows the percentage of population aged 14 years and under living in different areas of Canada. 

Correlation Matrix
A correlation matrix is a table comparing two items and the correlation between the things on the table. This image is showing 4 different correlation matrix tables and shows the correlations between each.

Unclassed Choropleth Maps

An unclassed choropleth map uses different degrees of darknesses for areas in order to differentiate them according to their numeric value.  This unclassed choropleth map of France shows the distribution and intensity of illiteracy in 1826. 

Classed Choropleth Maps

A classed choropleth map is a basic type of thematic map that is used to display data or information among different areas.  A classed choropleth map usually shows an area of  smaller proportion.  This map shows the percent of blacks in the Chicago, IL community areas during 1990. 

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map
A type of proportion circle map which goes into more detail in order to create additional points of specific data is known as a continuously variable proportional circle map. A continuously variable proportional circle maps has circles which are in proportion of the data being measured. 

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map
A range graded proportional circle map has multiple groups and each circle can represent a specific amount in the data. This particular range graded proportional circle map of Michigan is showing population numbers in Urbanized areas, outside urbanized areas, and rural population. 

Star Plots

A star plots portray multiple variables on star looking chart. Each point is a different variable.

Similarity Matrix
A similarity matrix is a table that shows similar data variables, usually in a diagonal direction on the table.  Each square and its color determines that amount of similarity between each variable. This is an example of a behavioral clustering similarity matrix. 

Stem and Leaf Plot

A steam and leaf plot represents data in a graphical form with the use of numbers. The graph or chart assists in visualizing the data. 


A histogram is a graphical representation, consisting of tabular frequencies, that shows distribution of data.  Each tabular frequency is shown as adjacent rectangles, usually varying in size because of different data.  The higher the bar means higher number. 

Box Plot

A box plot is a simple way of graphically depicting numerical data.  It is done through five-number summaries: sample min, Q1, Q2, Q3, and sample max.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

A parallel coordinate graph shows multiple sets of data or information, which is plotted on the vertical axis. Each line represents a different set of data and is a different color.  Parallel coordinate graphs are good for comparing larger amounts of data in one graph. 

Triangular Plot

A triangular plot is a barycentric plot that consists of three variables which sum to a constant. The three different variables are positioned on an equilateral triangle. 

Wind Rose

Meteorologists use a wind rose to determine how wind speed and direction are typically distributed at a particular area. Wind roses were predecessors of the compass rose, commonly found on maps.


Climographs are graphical depictions of the monthly rainfall and temperature condition for a particular area. Temperature is recorded on the line graph and the amount of monthly precipitation is recorded on the bar graph.

Population Profile

A population profile is a bar chart that shows the age groups of people that live in that area.  There are usually two separate graphs to differentiate the male and female numbers. This particular population profile is of Portugal in the year 2010.

Scatter Plot

A scatter plot is a diagram that portrays values for two different variables, one on y axis and one on x axis.  Scatter plots are great for showing trends that are occurring between each axis.

Index Value Plot

An index value plot is a visualization map that is plotted on a line graph.  The values depicted are not an absolute value because the map is more concerned with the trend of the line.  This particular index value plot shows significant decreases in index value during recessions. 

Lorenz Curve

A Lorenz curve illustrates the degree of inequality that exists in the distributions of two variables.  They are often use to represent income distribution and total income for percentage of households. 

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph displays two different sets of data on a single graph, which makes comparing the data easy.  This graph is comparing the U.S. trade deficit with the world in the year 2009 and 2010.


Digital Orthographic Quarter-Quad (DOQQ) maps are made with the use of an aerial image and have all the distortion taken out of the images because they are computer generated.  They are considered flat maps.  Geospatial data can effectively be managed using this maps.  This particular DOQQ map was taken with infrared. 


Digital elevation models (DEM) are digital representations of the earth's surface that are computer generated to look like 3-D models. With the use of the right colors, these maps can look very realistic. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Digital line graphs (DLG) are digital vector representations of topographic and planimetric map features that came from an aerial photo.  Special GIS software is needed to create these maps.    


Digital raster graphic (DRG) maps are a scanned images of a topographic map or similar type map. They are useful in making DLG, DEM, and DOQQ maps.


Isopleth maps indicate areas with similar regional characteristics by simplifying information about a region and showing areas with continuous distribution.  An isopleth map uses lines to show areas where rainfall, temperature, or elevation are equal.  


An isopach map portrays varying thicknesses within a certain area.  Isopachs lines are contour lines connecting points of equal thickness over an area.  Isopach maps are common in structural geology and volcanology. 


Isohyet maps are used to determine the amount of rainfall in a particular area.  Isohyet maps have lines with connecting points of equal rainfall in a given period. 


An isotach map displays wind speeds among different areas.  Isotach lines on these maps connect points of equal wind speeds.  This map shows wind speeds on the East coast of the United States. 


An isobar map has lines with connecting points of equal pressure.  Isobar maps are used to measure air pressure among different areas.  This isobar map shows areas in Europe that have a high pressure system and love pressure system.


LIDAR is a laser-based imagery that can measure distance between places by illuminating the target with light.  Highly detailed images of the earth surface can be obtained by using the laser pulses.  This LIDAR image is of a major U.S. city. 

Doppler Radar

The doppler radar, named after J. Christian Doppler, utilizes microwaves to track the speed and direction of precipitation in the atmosphere.  Used to track storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. 

Black and White Aerial Photo

Black and white aerial photos serve a similar purpose to infrared aerial photos, that is to delineate surface features. A black and white aerial photos emulsion will record only visible spectrum.

Infrared Aerial Photo

Infrared aerial photos use false colors, which can make things easier to view, and can be used to document changes that are occurring in the environment.  Things such as the health of forests, wetlands, oceans, and agricultural areas can be detected using infrared aerial photos. 

Cartographic Animations

Cartographic animations are used to visualize a map and depict changes that occur over time.  Cartographic animations of hurricanes are very common on television and internet during the hurricane season, and living in Florida makes these animations a necessity when preparing for a hurricane.  This animation is of a hurricane moving of Florida.

Statistical Maps

A statistical map portrays distance between geographical areas and locations based upon statistics or calculated values.  This statistical map taken by the U.S. Census Bureau shows the difference in mean travel times to work for each state.


In a cartogram, the map is created by substituting a different standard of measurement for area or distance. Cartograms, a type of thematic maps, have the map itself distorted in order to show particular information.  This map shows the percentage of threatened and endangered species around the world and the distortion is evident.

Flow Maps

A flow map shows movement from one location to another using the width of the flow lines to show proportions in quantity. This particular flow map uses the thickness of the lines to portray the amount of traffic between Irish cities. 

Isoline Map

An isoline map uses contour lines to show differences across an area.  Areas that have connecting points of a line are of equal value.  This picture is just a basic isoline map showing the United States. 

Choropleth Map

A choropleth map shows particular areas, usually with boundary lines, that are colored or shaded in proportion to the data that is being displayed on a map.  This map of the United States is showing the different divorce rate increases in each state between 1980 and 1990. 

Proportional Circle Map

A proportional circle map is a type of thematic map that displays information about an area based on the size of the circles.  This is a proportional circle map showing the UK. 

Dot Distribution Map

A dot distribution map uses dots to describe a specific quantity or presence of something in an area.  A varying density of dots is conveyed on these maps.  The more dot density in a map means more quantity in that area. This dot distribution map shows the Hispanic population in the United States, each dot equals ~100,000 people. 

Hypsometric Map

A hypsometric map shows difference in elevation of terrains with the use of colors, shadings, tinting, and contours.  The aerial photo above is an example of different hypsometric colors and shadings that make up this terrain's elevation. 

Propaganda Map

A propaganda map is a map that is made in order to manipulate or exploit the person viewing the map.  Propaganda maps, which are known to have a psychological impact on the user, are often used during times of War in order to show threat or persuade whoever is viewing the map.  This propaganda map, called "Scott's Great Snake", was published by J.B. Elliot during the Civil War.

Cadastral Map

A cadastral map provides detailed information about land parcels within a particular area.  Cadastral maps show ownership and boundaries of many different types of properties. This an older cadastral map from 1909 showing the Olmstead Park. 

Thematic Maps

A thematic map shows information on a specific area or subject, usually connected with the geographic area of a city, state, nation or region. There are multiple kinds of thematic maps and they portray things such as economics, populations, politics, and much more. This map is a basic example of a thematic map that is showing median age comparisons in the Northeast United States. 


Public Land Survey System (PLSS) maps were made my the government to divide up public land.  The land can then be subdivided into other sections.  The PLSS is known as a systematic land partitioning system. 

Planimetric Map

A planimetric map is a surface map with no relief features that represents the horizontal position of features.  An accurate planimetric map should show details and other features with an accurate horizontal distance between two places.  A street map is a good example.  This planimetric map shows the FSU campus. 

Topographic Map

Topographic maps use contour lines to show elevation changes that are on the surface of the earth.  Unlike most maps which are two dimensional, topographic maps deal with the third dimension.  A contour line represents elevation on a topographic map with the use of two line segments that connect and do not intersect.