Sunday, April 24, 2011

Cave Paintings

Cave paintings or hieroglyphics are a type of map which dates back to more than 16,000 years ago.  Cave paintings were usually just pictures, but some have been interpreted to actually be maps. 

Nominal Area Choropleth Maps

Nominal area choropleth maps display nominal data or information about a specific subject. Nominal area choropleth maps usually have at least two categories.  This is a nominal area choropleth map showing each states political status. 

Standardized Choropleth Maps
Standardized choropleth maps use different colors and shadings to compare areas and the data on the map.  This standardized choropleth map shows the percentage of population aged 14 years and under living in different areas of Canada. 

Correlation Matrix
A correlation matrix is a table comparing two items and the correlation between the things on the table. This image is showing 4 different correlation matrix tables and shows the correlations between each.

Unclassed Choropleth Maps

An unclassed choropleth map uses different degrees of darknesses for areas in order to differentiate them according to their numeric value.  This unclassed choropleth map of France shows the distribution and intensity of illiteracy in 1826. 

Classed Choropleth Maps

A classed choropleth map is a basic type of thematic map that is used to display data or information among different areas.  A classed choropleth map usually shows an area of  smaller proportion.  This map shows the percent of blacks in the Chicago, IL community areas during 1990. 

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map
A type of proportion circle map which goes into more detail in order to create additional points of specific data is known as a continuously variable proportional circle map. A continuously variable proportional circle maps has circles which are in proportion of the data being measured.